Associazione per la Meditazione di Consapevolezza Vipassanā

Vicolo d'Orfeo, 1 - 00193 Roma (RM) - a 200 metri da San Pietro - tel (+39) 06 6865148

Christina Feldman

Christina Feldman is the co-founder of Gaia House. She’s being leading Dharma and Vipassanā meditation retrats all around the world since 1976. She is the guiding teacher at Gaia House, and at the Insight Meditation Society at Barre, USA. Within her bibliography, some of her books have been translated in italian: Woman Awake. A celebration of Women’s Wisdom (1990) (Donna risvegliati! L’emancipazione della donna sulla via del risveglio spirituale – 1990), Vedere. Dal Samsara al Nirvana – 1991. Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart: Parables of the Spiritual Path from Around the World with Jack Kornfield (1991) (Fiabe dello spirito e del cuore. Parabole del cammino spirituale da tutto il mondo – 1994), Compassion. Listening to the cries of the world (2003) (Compassione. Ascoltare le grida del mondo – 2007), Beginner’s Guide to Buddhist Meditation: Practices for Mindful Living (2006) (Meditazione buddhista – 2009).